20/06/2023 L.O: To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions. Do Now My genre is sport. All the magazine covers have bold mastheads and colour schemes that match the main image ( usually different shades of blue and red). Main image is photo of athlete that does the sport the image is about. Sub genre sub genres of music magazines: rap, country, opera, pop, rock, heavy metal, hip-hop, electronic music, drum and bass, techno, gospel Pop magazines are usually very bright with pops of colours that match the song artist on the cover. Hobby- equestrian They use white dark and neutral colours in the magazines. The main images are of horses doing whatever discipline the magazine is on. 27/06/2023 L.O: Explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead or logo. 29/06/2023 Hobby- Equestrian 9 Masthead ideas: